Is it true that medication causes my semi-permanent nail polish to peel off?

Some people blame the medicines for the peeling of the semi-permanent varnish, but is it true that medication causes the semi-permanent nail polish to peel off? Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will give you answers in this article. Just keep reading!

In fact, medications you take for a month or two or daily medications don’t affect loosening or lifting. However, people who need to take medication for a long time are likely to have an underlying condition. In this case, it is probably the disease that affects the nails and not the medicine itself.

What’s more, antibiotics used for a short time are unlikely to have a negative impact on your nails. There are few medications that can quickly affect the quality of your nails. Chemotherapy is a treatment and a drug that affects the nails.

Hoping that this article has pleased you and will give you ideas! In addition, I also advise you to invest in some professional manicure sets to care for your nails.

Read also: Why does my semi-permanent varnish stick?

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