Black nail: causes and how to catch it?

Have you ever noticed the blackening of a nail and you don’t know what caused it or how to react? The point on the causes of a black nail, how to react, the gestures to avoid and in which cases it is necessary to consult a doctor. Today, your expert nail supplier Maryton will tell you how to do it.

What causes a black toenail?

The causes of the blackening of a nail can be multiple:

  • Shocks or trauma

A black nail may be a subungual hematoma. It is actually an effusion of blood under the nail. This type of hematoma is caused by trauma, micro-shocks, or too much pressure on the nail, and it can be black, blue or brown in color.

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  • A fungal infection

A black toenail can also be caused by fungus. Fungal infections of the nail fungus type can color the nails white, yellow or black. It is treated with an antifungal cream.

  • A change in pigmentation

It is also possible for the nails to darken due to a change in skin pigmentation. Black spots can appear on the skin under the nail, and the nail being transparent.

  • A sickness

Finally, a blackened nail can be caused by a disease. Indeed, certain diseases, such as diabetes, kidney disease, anemia or heart function disorders, can cause darkening of the nails.

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What to do in case of black toenail?

If you notice that you have a black nail, the first thing to do is to rule out the hypothesis of melanoma: if this is the case, you will have to consult a doctor without further delay.

Then, it will be necessary to check whether or not it is a hematoma. If you have exposed your nail to repeated shocks or recently suffered trauma there, this is certainly the case. If it is a hematoma, the spot will rise as the nail grows back.

If it is not a hematoma, your black nail may be caused by a fungus: in this case, you will simply have to disinfect the nail by soaking it for a few minutes in a bath of lukewarm water.

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How to Prevent Black Toenails

Here are some tips to prevent black toenails:

  • Keep a good hygiene of the nails to avoid the development of mycoses: wash your nails regularly and dry them well
  • Cut your nails regularly
  • Wear flexible and suitable shoes
  • Wear breathable shoes and avoid plastic or synthetic materials

You now know the causes of black nail and how to catch it, take into action quickly. In addition to these, I advise you to invest in a complete pedicure kit! To help you in your choice, I invite you to visit our website.


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