Removing your false nails according to the type of nails

Each type of false nail requires a suitable removal method to protect your natural nails. Whether you wear capsules, gel, acrylic or resin, the nail expert Maryton will tell you how to remove each type of false nail gently and without damage in this post. Read on!

Removing your false nails in capsules

Nail capsules are often fixed with glue, which makes them relatively easy to remove.

Removal method: To remove the tips, you can use acetone or oil.

With acetone: Soak a cotton pad in acetone, apply it to the nail and wrap it in aluminum foil. Let it sit for about 10 to 15 minutes, then gently remove.

With oil: If you want to avoid acetone, soak your fingers in warm oil (such as olive or coconut oil) for 15 to 20 minutes, then try to gently peel the tips off.

Tip: If the tips resist, re-dip your nails in acetone or oil to avoid pulling, which could damage the surface of your natural nails.

Removing your fake gel nails

Gel nails are often trickier to remove and require the use of acetone for effective removal.

Removal method: Lightly file the surface of the gel, then apply a cotton pad soaked in acetone and wrap each nail in aluminum foil.

Setting time: Leave on for about 10-15 minutes, then check if the gel has softened. Use a wooden stick to gently remove any remaining residue.

Beginner tip: During removal, be careful not to leave any air bubbles when wrapping the aluminum foil, to maximize the effectiveness of the acetone. If the gel does not come off easily, let it soak for a few more minutes.

Removing Acrylic Nails

Acrylic nails are thick and strong, so they are a bit harder to remove. They often require the use of acetone or an electric nail file.

Removal method: File the surface first to reduce the thickness of the acrylic. Then, use a cotton pad soaked in acetone or opt for an electric file to gradually file down to the natural nail.

Precaution: File gently and patiently. Acrylic can be hard to remove, but it is important not to use too much force to avoid weakening your nails.

Pro tip: For a faster but equally gentle method, alternate between acetone and an electric file depending on the thickness of the layers.

Read also: What equipment do you need to do a successful gel manicure?

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