Mistakes not to make to have beautiful nails!

To enhance your hands, nothing better than having beautiful nails. For this, there are some mistakes not to make to have beautiful nails. In this article, your expert nail supplier Maryton gives you our 4 “don’t” for a successful manicure.

Have beautiful nails: stop biting them

Biting your nails is the first mistake you can make. It is surely the most widespread and yet it is the first to have to be eradicated. In addition to not being very aesthetic, it weakens your nails and prevents them from regenerating properly.

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Have beautiful nails: dont forget to apply a base

The base allows you to block between your nail and the colored varnish to prevent the color from rubbing off on your nails. Some bases also have hardening, fortifying, nourishing properties or even make the varnish last longer.

Have beautiful nails: dont badly remove your nail polish

To remove nail polish, the best method is still the cotton and nail polish remover combo. Nevertheless, it is important to pay attention to the nail polish remover you are going to use. Indeed, it is important to choose one without acetone.

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Successful manicure: dont go too fast

Making a quality manicure involves many steps. It is possible to turn to professionals, or to do it at home. To have a successful manicure, all the steps are important and can’t be rushed:

  • Nail cleaning and filing,
  • Application of a base,
  • Application of one or two coats of colored varnish,
  • Application of a top coat.

To avoid unsightly marks, it is important to let each coat of varnish dry well before applying the next one. We hope you enjoy this article! In addition to these, I advise you to invest in a complete manicure supplies! To help you in your choice, I invite you to visit our website.

Read also: What are the 2022 manicure trends?

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